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Frequently Asked Questions

1Q. How can I join the NN Clan?

2Q. If I join the NN Clan, can I be an Admin/Leader of the clan?

3Q. How do I edit the site?

4Q. If I can't edit the site, can I suggest items/articals to put onto it?

5Q. What if I don't have an email address to contact you with?

6Q.  I don't really like using my email account to contact you Leaders and Members, is there somewhere else I could do that?

7Q. I registered and it accepted me, how come my password hasn't been emailed to me?

8Q. How do I talk with people at the forums?

9Q. Can I play both Counter-Strike and Liero Xtreme in this clan?

10Q. Can I suggest another/more game(s) that the NN Clan could play?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have anymore questions visit the contact page and contact an admin/a leader about it.


1A. Visit the Contact Page to find out how to talk to one of us to join.

2A. We are currently looking for a new admin for the Counter-Strike area of the clan. Please Contact Shadow or Mads about this, once you join.

3A. You may only edit the site if I or Rage give you the password+instructions to edit the site. We prefer if you knew some HTML coding if you'd like to edit the site.

4A. You can suggest anything for the site whenever you like to the Leaders, and we'll have a discussion about it and return the results to you.

5A. Just go to Hotmail.com and register an account.

6A. Yes. We have a forums called NNCF, to register simply type in a user name and your email address and your password will come to you, then just C+P.

7A. Usually with Hotmail accounts and others your password gets sent to your Junk Email folder, because the password is email from a website and not a person. Just go into the Junk Email Folder, and open the email and click the button that say 'This is not Junk'.

8A. There is a seperate F.A.Q. there if you need further instructions about posting.

9A. Yes. As long as you're active enough.

10A. As always just suggest it to us and we'll see what we can do.